"The Dark Forest is a northern, ancient forest where eternal night and winter prevail. In the forest, small animals live who never meet. A little Squirrel gets the idea to go search for the Spirit of Christmas, a figure mentioned in the forest’s Creation Stories. An exciting and multifaceted journey begins, one of friendship, togetherness, and many important lessons along the way."

The story contains many messages. It speaks of courage, self-belief, how waiting is rewarded, friendship, sociability, working together, and being together. The story addresses greed, sharing, generosity, and finding, as well as being an outsider, embracing differences, the coming together of families, being lost and found, salvation, adoption, and generosity, acceptance, and approval, along with traditions and cultural history."

Alkuperäinen Sysimetsän Joulu” -joulutarina esitettiin Kulttuuritalo Martinuksessa Vantaalla, Vantaan kulttuurin lasten joulutarinana joulukuussa 2021.

Alkuperäinen "Sysimetsän Joulu" -joulutarina. *

Alkuperäinen "Sysimetsän Joulu" -joulutarina. *


Portfolio "AI Game Production Design"


Portfolio "Rajaton - Finnish Maiden" Rajaton Music Group Video Shoot for Culture Capital Competition